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Faculty/Staff BUILD: Records Management 101: Filing, Naming and Metadata Workshop

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 1pm to 3pm

2725 University Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50311

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This class is designed for individuals who create records, as well as those who oversee and manage records or systems containing institutional information. Please note that no prior knowledge of records management is necessary to take this workshop. Attendees will learn the basic concepts of records management, including how to identify a record, distinguish between a record and non-record, determine a record’s value, separate information into logical categories, as well as how to use metadata to manage electronic records and much more.  This class is beneficial for anyone handling digital files, including records managers, faculty, administrative assistants, departmental administrators, librarians, and research administrators. EVERYONE benefits from proper records management.  Presented by Doreen Dixon, electronic records archivist.  Register for all BUILD classes using this Qualtrics Form.