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In a Christmas season darkened by disease, division, and discouragement, you are invited to celebrate the joy and hope of the holiday by watching The Lessons, Reflections, and Carols of Christmas, a streaming Christmas concert presented by Umeri, the Drake University alumni choir, conducted by Aimee Beckmann-Collier, Director Emerita of Choral Studies.  This event, which features music, readings, and reflections written especially for this celebration, was recently recorded at St. Ambrose Cathedral (without an audience) and can be accessed anytime between December 12 and January 6 at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd1rPwPhXYlWOod6Ln6npWg  The concert program is available here: https://umeri.wp.drake.edu/


In addition to the twenty-two Drake alumni who have learned to sing well and safely while wearing masks and socially distancing, we are happy to present readers who represent our community, as well as the writers of the newly-commissioned reflections.  Best wishes to you and yours for good holidays.  We hope that this performance brings joy to you in this challenging time. 

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This event  can be accessed anytime between December 12 and January 6 at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd1rPwPhXYlWOod6Ln6npWg 

The concert program is available here: https://umeri.wp.drake.edu/

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